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In this trade, the trainees are trained primarily to perform various types of mechanical operations like, marking, sawing, filing with different types and grades of files, drilling, welding as well as different types of operations that may be performed through a lathe machine. Special emphasis is given on the nature of skill and expertise required by the employers for the selection of the topics of practical assignments. In order to make the training most effective, the theoretical issues are thoroughly discussed in the classrooms and thereafter relevant practical assignments are allotted in the workshop. Suitable cautious steps are undertaken to avoid accidents and injuries at the workshop. The job performed by each student is examined on the basis of steps followed to perform the job, quality of work done, time consumed to complete the same, etc. The performing skills of the students are considered to play the most crucial role for being selected in any selection process. Hence, special attention is given by the instructors to complete the assignments in the workshop.

In addition to trade theories and trade practical classes, the students are also required to study the other papers like, Engineering Drawing, Workshop Calculation and Science and Employability Skill. The syllabus is strictly followed as per the guidelines of Director General of Employment & Training. Following the completion of this course of studies, the trainees are expected to get job the areas of mechanical production, mechanical maintenance, fabrication of the mechanical spares and equipments, erection of mechanical machineries, etc.

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